Tether your Palm to your Laptop for High Speed Internet

Many RE Agents have a Palm Treo but can’t get high speed internet on their laptop thru the Treo. Those of us who use Windows Mobile Cell Phones have been able to do this for a while and the Treo owners have been jealous.

Not anymore.

There is a program out there now that you can hook your Treo by USB to your laptop and then dial up the highspeed internet on your phones. Now Cingular and T-mobile is not high speed in my opinion but it counts as for what this software does. This software now also supports the Treo 700p from Verizon.

I have not tried this software myself but it looks very simple and should be easy for anyone to setup no matter what your technical expertise is.

The software is called – PDANet

You can get it here. It is not Freeware but the price is reasonable.



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