Should Blogs be in your Technology Plan

The question is a good question and if you are reading this blog then my answer for you would be YES.

Why you ask?

The main reason is that Blogs and RSS are thee platform to get your message out. A blog is not static like most realtor’s sites. It is a dymanic living site that can keep people interested in what you have to say and have them wanting to come back for more.

The second reason.

RSS (Real Simple Sindication) is the technology that allows users to “subscribe” to the content or websites they have found interesting, ensuring that the latest changes or updates to the content are delivered to them, instead of having to return to the site to check it again. Many of you are subscribed because i have visited your office/home and told you about the blog and asked you to subscribe.

Just think, instead of just sending out postcards with your name and website and saying you sold something send them a postcard about the blog and what you talk about. I won’t say too much else here because I am not a marketing Guru. Go See Joel at

The main reason I am talking to you about this to tell you about the technology side and where to go.

Many of you use Advanced Access. According to their website your first year including hosting would cost you close to $1000.00 . Thats a LOT of money for a site that doesn’t do anything except sit there.

Check out the creators of ( I am not affiliated with them). Their price is less for the first year of Advanced Access and you get a whole lot more for your money.

Yes Advanced Access gives?you lots of “tools” but i have not met an agent yet that uses any of the stuff they offer.

“But Loren, thats too much money” you say. Well then now its time to learn how to do this yourself. Its not hard but it takes some time. You can do this yourself orI could help you. But I will tell you I’m?not an?expert in the marketing of your blog. RSS Pieces can help you with all of the setup so you don’t have to think about it.

So you still want to do it your self?
Start by getting a hosting account. I recommend BlueHost or Media Temple.
Next install wordpress to your hosting account. Both BlueHost and Media Temple make this a simple one click process. Now you need a theme and then install plugins. Check out Joel at Future of Real Estate Marketing for recommended Plugins.

Want more information?
Contact Me

Loren Nason
Your Local Tech


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