How to put listings on your Video iPod
How to put listings on your Video iPod.
This is for a customer that asked if it was possible.
I first asked Joel over at Future of Real Estate Marketing if he had heard of it being done. His response was that it was possible but kludgey.
So I thought about it and here is what I came up with:
Step 1:
Create Video of house
It can already be created for you but you need something to upload to YouTube.
YouTube needs these formats QuickTime .MOV, Windows .AVI, or .MPG files AND they recommend these specs MPEG4 (Divx, Xvid) format at 320×240 resolution with MP3 audio.
Step 2:
Get a YouTube account and upload video.
Step 3:
Install Firefox browser if you don’t have it.
Step 4:
Install Greasemonkey for Firefox –
Step 5:
Install Script for Greasemonky to add dowload link for YouTube & Google Video
Once this installed you will get a link at the top of all pages of youtube when viewing a video.
Step 6:
Download and save your video with Firefox.
Step 7:
Download and install Media Coder:
Step 8:
Convert your video you downloaded from YouTube
Almost done
Step 9:
Copy your newely converted video to your iPod
Show your listings
Anybody else have any other ideas?
Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology