Real Estate WordPress Plugins
I was searching on ways to add an IDX link to a blog and I found what 3 great plugins for wordpress. These were writeen by Matt over at Realivent.
Featured Listings plugin – displays your listings automatically on your blog.
Property watch – creates a form on your blog so people can tell you what they are looking for. The form gets emailed to you and then you set them up on an automated home seatch.
Home Search – This addes your IDX framed solution to your blog.
Thank you Matt.
I haven’t tested them but will soon with some of my customers.
Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology
Your Local Tech is getting ready to offer help with setting up blogs.
Take a look at this wordpress plug in for real estate. We are still working on it, but almost finished.
You can see a running website in this one at
You can find the plugin at
We are working on the search now.
Its totally optimized for seo.