Project Blogger Update – What does it take to setup a Blog?

Do you want to blog? Do you want to know how to set one up?
If you do read along as I give a brief overview of whats been done to Joel’s Apprentice’s blog (hosted by FoRET and Your Local Tech). This review will be light on exact tech specifics but be more focused on all the things that have been done.

Kelly Kilpatrick is the Apprentice and this is her blog and this is the setup so far.


Kelly has multiple domains, all domains have been registered at GoDaddy

The two main domains in use are these below: is hosted by Your Local Tech (not a subdomain) is hosted by Your Local Tech (not a subdomain) is forwarded to

All other domains forward to for now.

Email Details

The email for is being hosted on Google Apps for Domains

The email for is hosted on the server where the domain resides but is only being used for blogging and commenting purposes (backend hosting details). It is not being used for actual communication. Email for is forwarded to domain does not have a catch-all. I don?t like catch-all?s as they can generate too much spam. There is another email address but its only for handling and forwarding comments it will not be mentioned.

The Blog Setup

This is a list of the steps taken to setup the blog
This will be starting after the setting up of the hosting account.

Setup Database with myPHPadmin (database admin tool for mySQL)
FTP the wordrpess files to the server
Configure wp-config.php with database information
Upload the wp-config.php to the server
Open browser and go to
Follow the 2 step process for setting up WordPress.
Wordpress is now installed. (pretty easy)

Login to wordpress and modify user details
change default password
delete default comments
delete default posts
delete links from blog roll

Installing Plugins
Right now this is what is installed there is more to come

Spam Karma
Ultimate Tag Warrior
wpPHPmailer ? handles comments (I like it better than the sendmail implementation
Sidebar Widgets

Setup Feeburner
Kelly has been setup with a feedburner account

Pick and install Theme
A 3 column theme was chosen (my favorite format)
It is 3 Column K2?and then was slightly modified to put in the custom header image.
More changes are planned.

That is all for now and there is more work to be done.

Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology
Your Local Tech

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