Sharing blogs I have started Reading

Here is a list of some blogs I have found and started following. Not all of these are technology related and some are also not even Real Estate related. Check them out.

Join the train and follow the instructions at the end of the list

My New Faves

Beachamptons Blog Fave the site
Rancho Santa Margarita Lifestles Fave the site
Coyote BlogFave the site

The Original Faves

The Future of Real Estate Technology Fave the site
The Optimized Life Fave the site
Bigger Pockets Fave the site
The Real Estate Schmoozer Fave the site
Gossip Juice Fave the site
The Blog World Fave the site
Kelly Cho Fave the site
SEO expert Fave the site
Flipping RichFave The Site
Stock Trading 101Fave The Site
eMoms at HomeFave The Site
The Wrong AdvicesFave the Site
derrich.comFave the Site
Shawn-Knight.netFave the Site
Stephen FungFave the Site Add him to your favorites and he?ll donate to charity!
Ed LauFave the Site
QMusingsFave the Site
Gary LeeFave the Site
Dosh DoshFave the Site
Nate Whitehill
Fave the Site
Ms. DanielleFave the Site
Jeff KeeFave the Site
Scribble on the WallFave the Site
Jimi Morrisons HeadFave the Site
Jon LeeFave the Site
SamanathonFave the Site
Eat Drink & Be Merry Fave the Site
The Man of Silver
Fave the Site
Hannes JohnsonFave the Site
My Dandelion Patch
Fave the Site
Nathan DrachFave the Site
SiteLogicFave the Site

Rules For Boarding The Train

  1. Write a short introduction paragraph about what how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
  2. Copy the rules and ENTIRE List below and post it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can be accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of the blog. Just don?t change the links of the blog.
  3. Take ?My New Faves??? and move them into the ?The Original Faves??? list.
  4. Add 3 Blogs that you?ve just added to your Technorati Favorites to the ?My New Faves??? section. Remember to also add the ?Fave Me??? link next to your new blogs (i.e.
  5. Add Everyone on this list to your Technorati Favorites List by clicking on ?Fave the Site.??? Those who want good karma will fave you back. If not, you will for sure get the benefits of faves from the bloggers who continue this list after you.

Pass it along

Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology

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