Using the WordPress Time Stamp for your Real Estate Blog – update
Make sure when you start using this and you tell people what time this post should be coming that you have set the time settings in your wordpress blog.
The reason you saw my last post earlier than I expected is because silly old me didn’t check my own wordpress settings.
How do you check wordpress to make sure its set to the right time zone?
You login to wordpress admin area and then you go to:
Options -> General
Scroll down?to the Date and Time Section
Look for the setting -> Times in the weblog should differ by:
In the box type in a number for how many hours you need to change the time, either a negative number (-7) or a positive number (7).
Depeding on you time zone your number will vary. I don’t know if WordPress is Daylight Savings Time aware but my guess is its not. The PDT zone is -8 usually, but to make the time correct I had to put in -7.
This article should now show up on the blog and in your readers at April 25th 1:00am PDT
Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology