OC Blogger MeetUp – Name that Guy
What a great time Friday Night. I had a blast meeting everyone I haven’t met before and meeting others that I have met before.
A View of the So Cal Sunset
Name the guy on my right. His name is Mike and he’s a Real Estate Developer but didn’t get his card and he’s not a blogger. On his right with their backs to us is Morgan and Brian Brady. On my left is Joe and Rudy from Sellsius and then Sara Washburn from Active Rain
Tisza getting ready to blog, with Rudy and Tisza’s hubby Mel in the back left.
Brian Brady, Kay Thomas, Dustin Luther, Rudy Bachraty
More of everyone. Brian Brady, Mel, Laurie, Kelly, Joe, Kay, Rudy, Tisza, Me.
We got Hungry
Here is Everyone’s Blog that was in attendance.
Joe Ferrara and Rudy Bachraty of Manhattan NY, Sellsius Blog
Brian Brady, America’s Most Opinionated Mortgage Broker
Kaye Thomas of Manhattan Beach’s own Beach Cities Blog
Kelly Kilpatrick of Rancho Santa Margartia’s own RSM LifeStyles
Rory Siems of Laguna Niguels own Laguna Niguel Real Estate Blog
Morgan Brown of Irvine CA, Blown Mortgage Blog
Sara Washburn one of the owners of the Active Rain Network, Saras Active Rain Blog
Tisza Major-Posner of Claremont’s own brand new Route 66 Living Blog
Laurie Manny of Long Beach Real Estate
Dustin Luther of the infamous Rain City Guide
If I missed anyone let me know. Can’t wait for the next one.
Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology