Weekend Reading on Lead Generation
Pat Kitano over at Transparent RE has good begining article of the Evolution of Lead Generation. Read it here -> link
The above article is tied to this post at Inman News (also by Pat) link. And one more article by Pat that discusses the number of online users of real estate-related Web sites seem to be capped.
In the first two articles linked Pat ponders on the viability of Lead Generation Websites such as HouseValues and HomeGain. I find it interesting that consumers use these types of lead generation websites, but I guess that goes to show the power of advertising has on the average internet consumer. Personally I would never use one of those type of sites for any industry because I can see right through the BS and see thats its just like the Car Give Away at the Mall. Sign up here to see the info or win something for free.
Now I am not saying to NOT use any of these services. I am suggesting you read these articles by Pat to get an understanding of where the industry is going.
I have met a few Realtors that have used HouseValues and have had success but that success is becoming smaller with the more BS leads.
While writing this article I decided to go look at Zillow for the Area I am in and it’s odd that I find NO real estate agent / realtor is using Zillow for Lead Generation. For everyone that knows me personally and talks with me on a weekly basis I AM TALKING TO YOU. It’s $50 bucks for 5000 views. Why not give it a try.
Brian Brady has an article about his results with Zillow Ads -> here
Have a good weekend and read this weekend for something cool.
Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology