Real Estate Tech Support
Do you like calling Tech Support?
Don’t you just love talking to some guy named “John” who is based in some other country and just wants to get your problem resolved as quickly as possible to keep his stats up but doesn’t care how much of an inconvenience he causes you. They also don’t really try hard to figure out your problem and instead just go with canned answers based upon what you say.
How would you like someone to actually listen to you and solve your problem. Would you be willing to pay for this service? Would you pay per incident? Or how about a flat?monthly rate that will include unlimited calls and a service to keep you computer up to date and backed up.
We are working on a system that will fulfill all of your support needs and would like your feed back. Please let us know what you are looking for.
Currently if we are online our support is free (limits apply).
Our support page is here -> Real Estate Tech Support
Loren Nason
Your Local Tech / Future of Real Estate Technology