Altos Research WordPress Plugins

logoAre you a Data Geek and you’re using Altos Research Real Estate Data? Now they have a new tool to make publishing your charts and keeping you clients up to date with the best Real Estate data.

Announcing Four WordPress Plugins for Altos Research Real Estate Data. Here they are in order of coolness:

Market Data Post ? With just a few clicks and create an entire Real Estate Market Data blog post. Sometimes, when you have to get a post done and just don?t have the time, that?s where this plugin comes in.

WYSIWYG Toolbar AltosCharts ? Often though, you?re writing your regular blog post, you want pictures or other media, different formatting, and you want to add an AltosChart to comment on the market conditions. This plugin adds four buttons to your toolbar so you can instantly add a local market data AltosChart, regional/county-wide AltosChart, AltosStats table, or cool new AltosCharts Flash into any blog post you?re writing. No cutting and pasting! Works just like adding an image to your blog post. I used this plugin to add the charts to this National Report post last week.

AltosCharts and AltosStats Sidebar ? so even when you?re blogging about everything else, your visitors still see that you have market data. Set your click through links to your market data detail pages if you like.

AltosConnect Sidebar ? Easy to include the AltosConnect lead conversion and auto-drip forms. No more cutting and pasting.

These four new plugins make using your Altos Research Data much easier for your WordPress Blog. You can download the plugins from your Altos Dashboard.


For more information about the Plugins visit the Altos Blog announcing their availability.

If you need help with Plugin Installs then give me a call and I can help you out.

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