An Apology

This Represents Me at this moment

This Represents Me at this moment

This is an open apology to all my customers/clients/friends.

This year of 2010 has been a whirlwind of work. I am not complaining and I am DEFINITELY not trying to brag. There is probably a lot of you out there who have not heard back from me by email or phone.

For those of you and gave up hope and called someone else I completely understand. I have dropped the ball on trying to get back to everyone. I don’t have any good excuses. Yeah I could say … “Not enough time in the day” …”i need to clone myself” …. “i forgot and then it becomes to late”

But really they are just excuses and their is no excuse.

I want to publicly apologize to anyone of you that I have let down.

I need to REBOOT!

I need to REBOOT!

So, what I am going to do about it?

First I have gone through all emails and voicemails that are older than Jan 1 and archived them so I don’t see them. So if you called or emailed me before the first of the year and still would like me to help you. Then please email or call again.

All the emails and vmails Since Jan 1 I have gone through and made a priority list of whom I will call back.

I am looking into getting a VA

So to everyone out there who reads this blog (all 10 of you) Again I apologize and hope to work with you soon.

In case you wanted to know what have I been doing since the beginning of the year:

I have cleaned virus’s from at least 25 PC’s
I have installed at least 10 new PC’s at different offices and homes

This below is for 1 client
I recovered a complete dead server over this past Friday- Sunday
I recovered the same server again Tuesday and Yesterday
I will be probably building them a new Server Starting this week (depending on client choice)
This server was not a server that was under management. Now the client is seeing why I stress
managed services. I could have caught this problem before it became an issue.

Another client:
I have another 2 PC’s to rebuild from Virus infections right now that I am working on

Two more clients called today with Virus infections


  1. Amanda Wernick on February 4, 2010 at 10:15 am

    I want to let you know that I TOTALLY appreciate your concern and the fact that you have stepped up to the plate and let us all know what was going on.

    I hope that in the future, your clients will follow your advice…not just for your sanity, but because in the long run, I know that you are striving to save them time, stress and money.

    I appreciate knowing you Loren…and appreciate your honesty!

  2. Dean Gittleson on February 4, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    Thank you for your honesty. In the 12 years I’ve known you one thing is certain. You care. You are much harder on yourself than any client. So hang in there. Continue to “care” and the rest will sort itself out.

    Your humble economist,


  3. Brett on February 5, 2010 at 8:15 pm

    Hey Loren since you are so busy do you have a job for me and a computer repair book for dummies to get me started. 🙂

  4. Missy Caulk on February 9, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    I don’t want to sound like I am drinking the kool aid, but…I got a Mac at Christmas 09 and so far on virus.

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