Archive Google Apps Email to Google Drive
A client whom I setup on Google Apps asked for an easy way to export emails from Google Apps to Google Drive to then be able to save to DVD/CD/etc.
This can be done easily by just choosing the “save to Google drive” when printing the email. This works great for 1 or 2 emails but isn’t efficient for hundreds of emails.
So off to the interwebs to search for a solutions (using Google search of course)
I found a solution:
Marcello Scacchetti wrote this tutorial and Google Script using Google Docs to do what the client needed to be done.
I followed Marcello’s directions and it worked. His script was missing a few requirements for my client so I modified the script to add into the PDF ‘date’, ‘ time’, ‘to:’, ‘from:’. My modifications work but the resulting PDF isn’t pretty and it’s still a work in progress.
How to use my script (directions similar to his directions)
Open link to my Google Doc Script – Archive Email to Google Drive – mod by Your Local Tech
Step 2:
Click menu item called “Gmail Archiver” and select “Initialize”. You should see an authorization request like the following:
Press “OK” button to authorize and follow the authorization process.
Step 3:
Now click again on ”Gmail Archiver” menu and select “Initialize”. You should see now a confirmation box about the successful initialization of the script.
Step 4:
Now go to Email and add the label “Archive to Drive” to each message you want to archive:
Step 5:
Go back to the spreadsheet document and click on ”Gmail Archiver” menu and select “Archive Gmail Messages”. After some seconds you should see a message like:
Step 6:
Go to Google Drive and inside folder “Email Archive” and you should see a new folder representing the exported email message. The script creates a folder for each message and any attachments.
Need help getting this to work?
Contact Me