The Real Cost of Your Computer – its not the purchase price
So you have a computer and it cost X amount of money, but have you figured out the REAL COST of your computer?
Computer = $1500.00 (just an average from the air)
Office = $200.00
Anti Virus = $20.00 (or get free AVG)
Anti Spyware = $20.00 (use Windows Defender its free)
Home Internet Connection = $50.00 per month
On the Road Internet (Sprint of Verizon) = $60–80 per month
Online Backup = $5.00 per month (Carbonite or Mozy)
Want wireless at home = $80.00 Linksys Wireles Router
Email Marketing = $20.00 per month (Sharper Agent, rDesk, Aweber, etc…)
Photo Program = $100.00 (Photoshop elements)
Flash Drive = $50.00
Wireless Mouse = $50.00
Camera = $200 – $2000Now that its all setup you realize your computer is too slow and needs an upgrade
More memory = $200.00Now after you have done everything you now want a new one.
Start all over again
Copy data to new computer
Re-install all software
If you pay to have this done = $200 and up
I could go on and on about all the costs that involve your computer but there is a broader point I am trying to get at here.
Don’t just buy a computer and think its going to do everything you need it to do right out of the box. There is a lot of time you will need to spend on just setting up all your programs and personalizing it to your tastes. Then you need to learn how to use everything that you want to do.
The Real Cost of your computer is not just the hard cost but its also the Time you invest in using it and taking care of it.
If you don’t manage your technology your technology will manage you and you will end up hating your computer instead of using it as a tool to make your business more efficient. If you get carried away by the technology just because someone else is doing it, you may be wasting your money and not gaining anything.
Before making your technology decisions research it.<!–
Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology