You can now access the MLS on your Mac
For all of you who use a Mac and hate the fact that you can’t access the MLS because your MLS only supports Internet Explorer, I have a possible solution for you.
Install and run Internet Explorer for Windows 5, 6, or 7 on your Mac with free, open source application ies4osx.
This is probably not going to be for the basic Mac users. This will be for the more experienced Mac users.
Mac Apper has the news and instructions
Mike Kronenberg made the program
ies4osx is the program
Thank you Lifehacker for the Tip
One problem right now is it looks like the Mike’s website has died under the flood of requests probably coming from Lifehacker.
Loren Nason
Future of Real Estate Technology
I have been using Safari to access the MLS for over a year now. No issues…….
cal i ask you how you go into the mls with safari? i’d like to do that as well.
the MLS for the DC/Baltimore area(MRIS) can be accessed with Safari. Basically you access it the same way. I haven’t tried it in a while but I don’t think anything has changed.
I have also gotten into MRIS on my iPhone as well.