Who is Your Webhost and Why it Matters
Is your domain name and website hosted by Network Solutions? If so you REALLY need to pay attention here. There are two main reasons why you should IMMEDIATELY move your domain name registration and web hosting services to another host.
Reason 1 – This is an economical reason. Network Solutions charges $32.oo dollars PER YEAR to register a domain name. It’s a no brainer to move your domains to someone like GoDaddy who charges only 9.99 per year per domain name.
Reason 2 – This reason now puts Network Solution into the slimiest web-hosting company category and should be banned from the internet because of what they are doing.
The explanation – Example you own the domain name www.gotgame.com and this domain name is hosted by Network Solutions and everything appears fine. Now since Network Solutions is hosting the DNS (system that maps domain names to IP address of your webserver and more) for this domain they can do anything they want when someone makes a DNS request for your domain name. What Network Solutions is now doing is when you make a request to a non-existent sub-domain network solutions sends that request to a page hosted by them FILLED WITH ADS.
Here is an example using a sub-domain of the above domain name
networksolutionssucks.gotgame.com If you click on that link you will go to that link and see that it is a page filled with ads that Network Solutions gets paid if you click on any of the ads.
Why is this so horrible. The main reason is that they are taking possible advantage any possible traffic that might land on a sub-domain and making money off YOUR website. Now how many people will go to a sub-domain of your site? Probably ZERO, but why this is SO bad is that they are taking advantage of how the internet works to make some extra cash.
If a large company like this can mess around with how things work and even mess with your own domain name then Network Solutions should be shut down for this crap they are pulling on the internet.
Story from Tech Crunch
Two more reasons here and here about why Network Solutions should be dissolved.
Loren Nason
Technology Coach
Wow. Didn’t know that. Do you know if any of the other domain registrars are practicing the same model? Anyone else see this with another company? We use GoDaddy and are quite pleased. Simple and cost effective.
GoDaddy is good. I don’t particularly like their hosting but not because of anything they have done wrong just a personal preference.
It is dispicable what Network Solutions is doing. I wonder if it could even cause SEO problems with bogus pages being crawled by the Search Engines